Sunday, December 29, 2013

Hard To Get Used To.

Never in my life have I experience temperatures, where my breath when I get in the car, creates ICE on the inside of my windshield, requiring me to actually SCRAPE off the ice INSIDE the car. It now looks like it snowed in here, and I have to say, scrapers are just not designed for the shape of the windshield from the inside...

Friday, December 27, 2013

Look At That Sunrise!

This is one of the many reasons I love this town.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Boxing Day.

Cale came over today to celebrate Christmas and Boxing Day with us. We had our semi-traditional Boxing Day Breakfast, with eggs, beans, mushrooms, tomatoes, bacon, and Yorkshire pudding with Bisto gravy.

The Crackers were kind of crap this year, but the crowns were awesome and gold!
Cale was of course more excited about his presents, which were heavy on the guitar supplies that he requested I get him, and of course, British sweets.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Day.

Today I had to get up and do kennels at work. The dogs were pretty good, but with every last kennel filled, it was not an easy morning.

I discovered the Bobby Sherman tune JENNIFER, via a record that Jenny got for me. I don't actually have a record player right now, but this prompted me to search and find it online. She also got me a travel bug that sticks to my car.

Briony and I did not start opening presents until after Noon. It was a small Christmas this year, due to the fact that she is moving to Wales in February, and won't be able to take much with her. I got her a couple small things, and vouchers to go out to dinner at her favourite restaurants.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Countdown To No More Christmas Music!

I've been called a Scrooge a lot this Holiday season, and many others in the past. I don't like Christmas music, and very few people understand this. I don't mind some Holiday songs... in moderation of course. A quick Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, or Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer. I particularly like Kenny Chesney's All I Want For Christmas Is A Real Good Tan, or Montgomery Gentry's Merry Christmas From The Family. A new song that I heard this week is Stuck In The Smoke Hole Of Our Tipi, and it is quite entertaining.

I recently came up with this analogy of what Christmas music feels like to me... I feel like I've been hog-tied and put in the front row at church, and while you are preaching about Jesus to me, and all the prejudiced, racial hatred that comes with it (in my experience only, of course), I am being stabbed in the eyes with hot needles. This is how Christmas music makes me feel. I don't preach my anti-organized religion beliefs on others, but yet at Christmas, the music choices that are played force religion on me, and I don't like it.

Kenny (music only):

Montgomery Gentry (music only):

Friday, December 13, 2013

SRVC Christmas Extravaganza.

Today our office closed early, so that we could have lunch together at Mizu and then go shopping for a couple of families that we adopted.

It looks like it could snow soon.

One of my favourite boarders is with us this weekend. This is Max. He's my buddy!
This was my delicious lunch.

Alaskan Roll

We exchanged our presents for each other at lunch. My co-workers are so creative and crafty!

My favourite Christmas light decorations so far. If it didn't have the nativity scene on the dashboard, it would be perfect!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Monday, December 9, 2013


I found some goodies for me in my stash of British sweets for the kids for Christmas. Yay! I LOVE Hobnobs. Oaty goodnes, they are!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Laramie Courthouse.

The Laramie Courthouse gets all lit up for the holidays. You can tune your radio to 107.3 and listen to the music that goes with the display. It's pretty cool. The video is a little dizzying, but in person it's pretty impressive.

Friday, December 6, 2013


A pretty cool photo of one of our clinic cats, Pepe. He's been keeping this box safe for days.

-43 Degrees.

If I didn't want to know what -37 degrees felt like, -43 definitely wasn't something I was curious about. I had to have Briony at school this morning at 6:30. I don't usually get up until later than that. Briony has been going out and starting the car for me 15 minutes before we leave. This morning, even though I had my gloves on before I went outside, and kept them on the whole time, my fingers were still numb by the time I got home 20 minutes later. It's nice that I live near a McDonalds, though, because they are giving away free coffee this week.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

-37 Degrees.

I never really thought, "Hey, I wonder what -37 degrees feels like." But now I know. It feels cold. It feels so cold that even after the car warms up for 15 minutes, and after the 15 minute drive to work, the heater still isn't producing hot air. Or warm air, even.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Sun Dog.

There was this super cool thing that happened today. A Sun Dog. It's like a vertical rainbow, with not as many colours. We had two visible from our office today. Tia captured this great photo.

Drama Performances

Briony had her school drama performance tonight. She opened and closed the show, with a monologue, then a duet. I think this was the best overall performance that I've seen, and this was the third time I've been in town to see the club perform. They are off the next three days to Cheyenne for State Drama.
I met one of Briony's friend's father, who told me that my daughter was amazing. Yes, she is, and how nice of him to say it.

Here are some more snow photos, mainly for Heather and Curtis.

 My drive to work. They did actually plow the snow this time, but the roads are solid snow and ice, and I am getting to be a pro at sliding and down-shifting.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Biking In Snow

We got winter weather again. With the cold temperatures that are coming, I think it's going to be with us a while. Snow and ice don't stop those without cars, though. This is not an uncommon sight, surprisingly.

Sunday, December 1, 2013


Juanita, Carlos, Jesus and Pedro. Love these little guys. Especially Pedro, to my left.