I have always been proud of my daughter.
She is smart (sometimes too smart for her own good).
She is witty (I'd say most of the time, she'd say all of the time).
She is passionate about her beliefs (many of which we share, some we do not).
We have not always gotten along, but what parent gets along with their child 100% of the time?
I have always been proud of my daughter.
But today I am proud to be her friend.
A recent conversation in which she relayed something that recently happened to her sparked another conversation about our lives, our pasts, and our futures. We had previously opened up about some aspects of our pasts, but on this day we shared a lot more, and were more honest with each other than I think we ever have been, as mother and daughter. Prior to today I think that we were friends, but mother and daughter friends. Today I believe we became true friends, not just because we are family, but because we respect and appreciate each other as people, and not just as my child, or as her mother.
I am grateful to the bottom of my heart for this amazing girl who calls me mom.