Today is Valentine's Day. It is a day that I could let get me down, but I refuse.
I got married on this day in 2009. I did not do it because it was romantic or cute. I did it because this is the day that made the most sense. We had a one week window when he would be in the US, so it was either this day or the next weekend. Though I resisted choosing this day, due to it being Valentine's, it made more sense to get married at the beginning of the trip instead of at the end.
When we got divorced, I thought that this day would live in infamy as a sad, lonely day, a reminder of all the things I had lost, and that I would never be able to get over it. I thought that any future relationship would have a cloud over it on this day, due to the fact that it would have been my wedding anniversary.
This has not happened, however. I love this day. On this day in 2009 I became a mom. It is a day to celebrate that moment, and not to mourn over things that were not meant to be.
On this day in 2009, I pictured a completely different future for myself than where I am now.
On this day in 2009, I never imagined that I would call my daughter my best friend. I could not have imagined (nor wished for) a sweeter Valentine's message in my inbox when I woke up this morning, or that she would make me cry like a little baby with her loving words.
Today is Valentine's Day. It is a day that I will always celebrate as being one of the best days of my life.
I love you, Briony and Cale. Always and Forever. xx