I need a house! My Realtor and I went and looked at two houses yesterday. One is more than I need, but the price is right. The other is more than I want to spend, but nearly the perfect little house for me. I know that the right one is here somewhere, I just need to find it.
Not only would a fenced yard be nice when the weather is crappy, but Georgia also would not get attacked in my own fenced yard. The weather was great today, so we headed out for a nice walk to Washington Park. Three houses into our walk, I hear a panicked voice. The tone made me turn around, just as a big black hairy dog with a foaming snarl came around a bush. We were in the street, not even on the sidewalk, and this dog was so big that I froze. The guy thankfully was able to catch up to his dog before it's teeth made contact with Georgia. We finished our walk to and around the park, and it's amazing that in leggings and a sweatshirt I was sweating when we got home. In March. In Wyoming.
It frustrates me so much that people let their dogs be off leash at their homes, at the park, everywhere in this town. And why they all want to attack my baby, I just do not know. Georgia was so good, though, she didn't even react to this mean dog.
Despite this incident, it's been a great and relaxing weekend. I woke up this morning to a wonderful Mother's Day message from Briony. I then spent a good portion of the day looking at wedding bouquets and picking a florist in Boise for Jenny's ceremony next weekend.