Thursday, February 28, 2013

More 'Belongings' And A Couch

I went to see Briony's second performance of the school play last night. It was just as good as the night before. I am very glad that I went.

As a gag gift, I gave Briony this One Direction tshirt :)

Today I went to Cheyenne in search of a couch. It took hours! And a phone call to Jenny in Idaho to talk out my thoughts.

I liked these couches a lot because they offered plenty of seating and also the chaise portion would allow for easy overnight guest accommodations. But they were very big for my space.

 I liked this couch, and it was very comfortable, but with the two seat cushions, that would mean I had to sit on the crack when we all watched TV. I always get voted to be in the middle so B & C don't have to sit next to each other.

 I loved loved loved this couch, but a good chunk of the price was because it reclined, and while I like the footrest part of a reclining seat, I will personally never recline all the way back, so I had to say no to it. Even though I loved loved loved it.

My final decision was this couch, which I did not take a very good photo of, of course! I only got the couch, not the set, though it would have been super cute, especially with my purple rug in between. It will be delivered next week! I am so excited!

On the way back from Cheyenne, traffic came to a stop. It was just an oversized load, and it was only stopped for a couple of minutes before we could pass. I was worried it was worse, because there was a lot of blowing snow, which kind of looked cool.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Last night I went to see Briony in her school's production of 'Belongings.' 

You can read the article by clicking on the photo to see the full size image
The play was written up in the Laramie Boomerang, and I framed this copy for Briony. There was a photo of her on the front page and the main article on page three.

I took her some flowers, which nearly didn't happen since the flower shop I was going to go to closed early because of the bad weather. Unfortunately, that must have kept a lot of people away, because the audience was very small. The play was so good that I am planning on going back tonight both because I enjoyed it and also because the girls deserve to have as full an audience as possible.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Furniture? One Day... Hopefully.

I have been searching for a couch, which will make life so much nicer. So far I have found this lovely wine coloured piece that is here in Laramie. It was firm, but comfortable.
I might go into Cheyenne this week to look at other furniture stores that deliver to Laramie regularly. That would give me more of a selection. Like this cute couch that would match my purple rug...

But I am very picky about comfort, so I have to try it out. And there isn't much as far as choice here in town. But it keeps snowing, which prevents me from going to Cheyenne.

Monday, February 25, 2013

My New Job!

Monday I start my new job at Snowy Range Veterinary Clinic. It is a small practice very near my apartment. I had a working interview there last week, and everyone was very nice, and I am looking forward to starting there. This is also where I took Bearette last week, and they took excellent care of her, and Bearette was well behaved which means she must have liked them as well.

These are the donkeys that live at the Clinic. I love donkeys!! Especially itty bitty ones :)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Snowy Day Hobbies

It snowed again today.

So I taught myself to knit.

I don't like it as much as crocheting so far. It's much slower. Or maybe that's just me :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


I got my 300th geocache today! And, I timed it so that it was one called Virgo - WY Zo, which I thought was fitting for this milestone.

Yay for me! These are my "souvenirs" that I've gotten from for my accomplishments.

 I have found geocaches in all of the red states. I am pretty proud of that, considering I've only had my own GPSr for about eight months.

Also, I finished all the current episodes of Doctor Who (2005). The next episode is:

Doctor Who (2005)
Season 7, Episode 6

It is so long to wait! Well, when you've been watching an episode or two a day for the last month or so, it seems like a long time. The last episode was so sad... No more Amy and Rory, I just didn't see that coming. Sigh....

Tonight I went to the Banff Mountain Film Festival at UW. Part two is tomorrow night, and I think I'll be going back for that as well. It was amazing, the videos and the accomplishments of some of the athletes. One of my favorities, that I wish was longer than 8 minutes was The Gimp Monkeys, about three climbers, two with only one leg each and one with only one arm (and a half), who climbed El Cap with no assistance. Amazing.

Apparently you usually have to pay to go to it, but UW has shown it free now for 13 years. I wasn't sure how good it was going to be, but I think I'll take the kids next year, I think they'll enjoy it. Some films were as short as six minutes, others as long as 45. Definitely worth catching if it comes to your area.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Geocaching And Stink Bugs.

It was a majorly successful geocaching day for me. Not my most successful, but brilliant none the less. I went back to the prairie where I had to cut my walk short the other week because of the cacti that kept getting stuck in Bearette's paws. It wasn't the best weather for it, but they were calling for snow the next few days, so I wanted to get it done. I got eight on that walk. I did a couple of other park and grabs, and my total for the day was 15, because there were three that I could not locate. Some are out of the question because of the snow on the ground. Others I just don't have the patience to search for when the wind is gusting. I also got to increase my number by three more because I found a scrap of paper that had three geocaches Heather and I had found nearly two years ago and I had never logged. I confirmed with her geocaching profile that we had found them, and then got to log them. Therefore, I actually logged 18 caches today.

As I was logging my finds, a little friend walked across my computer. I brought several dead stinkbugs with me to Wyoming, but this little guy was alive! It could be the first recorded stinkbug in this state, but I don't think that he will survive the cold temperatures.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Bearette Got Sick.

Briony had play practice this morning, so after I dropped her off I did a bit of geocaching. I found 12 in three hours, so I felt very productive. I am proud that I found this particular one. It really blended in, so I almost didn't touch it, but I'm glad that I did. Bearette was with me, and she seemed to better enjoy the 4 degree (windchill) temperatures than I did. 

On the way to pick up Briony she started acting a little “off.” As soon as we got home, she drank a little water and got sick all over, and fell over with a seizure. It didn't last long, but I freaked out. I've been watching her so closely since we got here. She had gotten sick this morning as well, which wasn't altogether unusual, but twice in a day and with a seizure was very alarming. I called the Veterinary Hospital that I had chosen to take her to, and they said to bring her straight in. We left her there for a little while and they did some blood work, which was normal with the exception of some elevated kidney values, which she has had off and on for years. They recommended monitoring her, and we also got her back on some anxiety medications that will hopefully calm down her chewing and licking that has been keeping her on steroids for the last few months. She needs pain medications for her arthritis, but she can't be on both, and I've been having to make a hard choice. This way, hopefully she'll be able to be comfortable and calm.

Poor Baby, she's not feeling good :(

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Breakfast, Day Trip & Bill & Ted. Excellent.

Life is good. Briony fixed me breakfast this morning.

Then we went to Cheyenne for Birthday shopping. Since I knew I was going to be here so close to her Birthday, I offered to take her shopping to spend her Birthday and Christmas money. Since there is no shopping here in Laramie, we went to Cheyenne. We went all the shops we don't have here, Petco, TJ Maxx, Ross, JCPenney and Shoe Carnival, none of which is as big as the ones in Virginia that I shopped at. And we went to Kohls. I love Kohls. I didn't buy anything for me there, but Briony found lots of good things, which makes me so happy that she likes my favorite store as well. It also makes me happy that it was not a disappointment like the other stores ended up being. It was a quick drive there as well, about 45 minutes, which gave us plenty of time there and Bearette wasn't in her crate an abnormal amount of time, either.

Briony was in an exceptionally good mood, so she agreed to try on some crazy stuff we saw.

I knew that I had downloaded caches for Cheyenne before my move. Apparently, though, I did not put them on my GPS, so I was disappointed to realize that I would not be able to do any geocaching on this trip. My sister had asked me to go by the Lane Frost statute and get a photo, and when I got out of the car, there was a lady and her son turning rocks over right next to it. I took a mild leap and told them about my gps situation, and helped them look. We found it, and so at least I was able to log one geocache on this trip. I also got lots of photos of the statue for my sister.

When we got home we settled in for Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure with popcorn and m&ms. EXCELLENT!