Bearette does not like the snow. She
always has in the past, but this is so cold, it must hurt her toes. I
had bought some Paw Wax for her, but it's not as easy to put on as
the packaging would suggest. When she's been out in the snow for a
few minutes, she starts limping and twice she's fallen over and
either refused or been unable to get up again. It makes me very sad
to see this, and grateful that she's not a larger dog, as I have to
carry her back inside when this happens. It makes us unable to go for
more than quick potty breaks.
They don't plow the roads in Laramie when it snows. At least, not the roads that I had to drive on today. It looked like they'd salted some of main roads, due to the amount of slush, but the back roads have to fend for themselves. The constant wind makes the snow uneven on the ground. Part of the parking lot at my apartment has up to six inches of snow, and there are whole sections with not a flake of snow to be seen.