Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Eclectic Books.

I have always been a collector of books. I love books. I want to own them and admire them. When I moved to England, I had a major overhaul and got rid of books. When I moved back, I gave some to the children, and donated others. For this move to Wyoming, I again shrank my collection to the ones I love the most, and that has left me with a most eclectic selection of reading material.

First, there are my Veterinary books, of which I will keep always, because they are a great reference.

Then I have my childhood favourites, the Little House on the Prairie series, which are the first books I remember reading myself. I wanted to share these stories with Caitlin when she started reading, but I could not bring myself to leave them for her, I loved them so much. Aside from Little House on the Prairie, my oldest book is The Prophet, given to me as a 16th Birthday present.

I have a small collection of Virginia and Appalachian stories, which I treasure, and some classics, that are among my favourites.
Then there are some animal stories, one book was written by a cat that I used to pet-sit for,  one Patty Sue Wilkinson. She was a delightful kitty, and I was glad to get to know her.

I have all four of the books in the Hitchhiker's Guide To Galaxy Trilogy. A Maya Angelo book that was well loved by both cats and dogs, who chewed the edges. I always keep my home repair book with me, given to me as a housewarming present when I bought my first house, back in 2003.

Among my series books are Game Of Thrones, and some Diana Gabaldon books, part of the Outlander series. I would like to own them all at some point, as they are one of my favourites of all time.

I recommend Not Left Behind, which is a mostly picture book about the animal rescues after Hurricane Katrina. I cry every time I flip through it. Celtic Wisdom is a cool book that I like to peruse when I have nothing else to read at the moment.

I am still working my way through Mark Kermode's book, and there is another that I will get at some point, and of course, I love to go back through Clinton Kelly's book. He has a new one out and I can't wait to get it, he is so funny and truthful, and I love that my copy is autographed from when I met him in Virginia.

I got rid of most of my cookbooks, but my goal is to start cooking more this year, and I do have some good books to reference.

These last books helped me get through two years ago, but they have also motivated me to write my own book with my friend Jen, because we can definitely come up with some interesting stories that other people might benefit from our experience.

And last but not least, I have some books on Leicester and England, that I got before we moved.