Monday, September 23, 2013

Before Times Three...

I finally got around to watching Before Midnight last night, and it is still haunting me tonight.

I had been wanting to watch it for months, since I first saw a review in a magazine. I loved the first two movies, Before Sunrise and Before Sunset, and while I cannot recommend them to everyone... lots of talking and no action, they are amazing, unusual and beautiful movies.

Last night took me on an emotional roller coaster that I was not prepared for. It is not possible to explain exactly what made it that way, other than the superb writing that sometimes made me laugh at the absurdity of a situation, and made me cry at the similarities to some situations I've been in myself. Certain phrases were used, that while perhaps not identical to conversations I've been a part of, were scarily similar, and an eerie re-hash of a time I'm glad I've moved past. I am glad that I had not read about the movie prior to watching it, as I think it would have taken some of the emotional turmoil out of it, but what a heart-wrenching couple of hours it was.

I still recommend these movies to anyone that likes to listen, and appreciates human dialog over action and comedy. I don't think I've ever had a movie (or series of movies) have this much impact on me. Last night it was sad, but today I look back with fondness at what these characters have become, and how they've become a part of my history and my life.