Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Two Weeks.

I gave my two weeks' notice at work today. I had worked myself into a bit of terror over it. Despite the fact that I have been planning on moving since last August, and actively downsizing and making arrangements since early October, all of a sudden the timing has fallen into place and I have to actually move now! My boss was so very nice about it, and was supportive and understanding that this is what I need to do for me. I really enjoy my job and the people I work with, but I do not like living where I live right now. And the fact is, if I move out of this house, where I do care-taking duties in exchange for rent, and move into a place that I have to pay rent, I won't be able to save the thousands of dollars it costs for me to have the children visit me twice a year. But if I am closer to them, then I can see them more often, and don't have to make (SAVE) as much money as I do to transport them here. I also will not have to miss holidays and birthdays and school events. Once they are out of college, who knows where I'll go. I don't see myself staying in Laramie at this point, but that is about six years down the line, and six years ago today I would never have imagined I'd be where I am now, so I really can't say. I just don't want to look back and say to myself, one day in the future, I really wish I'd moved closer to the children so I could have spent more of their childhoods with them. They're 16 and 14 now, practically adults. And I want to be able to show them how much I love them on a regular basis, not just during our weekly phone calls, or bi-annual holidays together.

I was dreading telling my work, but now that I have I am feeling much better. There is still a ton to do, and the first week of February is not the most ideal time to be driving cross country... by myself (with Bearette drugged in the back seat). But it's an ADVENTURE! That's what I keep telling myself when the nerves and stress overcome me. It will be worth it. And if Laramie isn't the place for me, once I am there, I can investigate Cheyenne, or Fort Collins, Colorado, which is a beautiful city, and the place I was originally trying to move, but was unsuccessful in finding housing in November when I was there. Tomorrow is a new day, and I will just keep moving forward until I find what it is that will make me the happiest that I can be. That's all that we can do. Will life ever be perfect? No. But it can be wonderful.

 Picture of the Day: Breakfast for dinner.