Sunday, September 15, 2013

42. A Surprisingly Good Movie.

Tonight was Family Dinner Night, and I let Cale chose the movie. He chose 42, about Jackie Robinson. I am not a huge baseball fan... okay, I think it's boring and I'm not a fan at all. But this movie was really good, and I think that we all enjoyed it.

In a surprising turn, however, was the fact that Cale did not like the bacon that was served with dinner (apparently brown sugar cured bacon is the ONLY kind of bacon he does not like), but Briony, who hates bacon, loved it. They both liked the chicken stuffed with Boursin cheese (and topped with bacon, a modification of a recipe we had in England with parma ham). I think that it will definitely be a recipe that we have again, as it was easy and pretty fool proof.

Chicken stuffed with boursin cheese and topped with bacon, cheesy brocoli pasta and corn. Yum.
Yes, he is insane. Every week he comes and asks for the Snuggie. Tonight he put his feet through the arm holes...