Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Last Day At Work.

Today was my last day at work. It didn't feel like my last day, and it doesn't feel like I'm moving on Thursday. I got to chose where we ordered lunch from, and then because it's my job to order, I put the order in. I chose Jason's Deli, and got my sandwich and soup that I love so much. Only, I screwed up, and somehow didn't order my sandwich. I had the soup, which is very filling, and one of my coworkers gave me her salad since she had brought lunch and it was my last day. Even if I hadn't had anything to eat, I would rather it have happened to me than to have forgotten another person's order. We had a nice lunch together, which we don't always get a chance to do if it's busy.

Most of my job today was watching the girl who's taking over my job, answering her questions, making suggestions on things, etc. Near the end of the day I had to go to our other office to pick up some supplies, so I got to say goodbye to everyone there as well. There are some great people who work here, and I will miss them.

Tomorrow morning I have to pick up my u-haul trailer at 8:30am, which is awfully early, but the guy that runs the station where I am picking it up had a conflict for later in the day, and offered me an extra day for free if I picked it up early, so I agreed. When you rent one way, there is a minimum six day rental, which should be plenty of time, but in case of bad weather, I didn't want to pick it up too early and then have to pay for extra days if I didn't have to. Now I have a nice little cushion of time on the other end.

I will spend most of the day unstacking the giant stack of boxes in the corner of the house, and getting ready for when Dad comes after work to help me load it up. Heather also has Caitlin tomorrow, so I'd like to get over there to say goodbye to them.

I am very excited about my lunch plans with my friend Catherine from school. We were in the same Vet Tech class, and she lives in Richmond, which was good when I lived in Richmond, but the last two times I saw here were February 2009 at the wedding, so not a proper visit, and in June 2010 when she came to our Welcome to Virginia party. It will be really good to see her again.