Wednesday, February 20, 2013


I got my 300th geocache today! And, I timed it so that it was one called Virgo - WY Zo, which I thought was fitting for this milestone.

Yay for me! These are my "souvenirs" that I've gotten from for my accomplishments.

 I have found geocaches in all of the red states. I am pretty proud of that, considering I've only had my own GPSr for about eight months.

Also, I finished all the current episodes of Doctor Who (2005). The next episode is:

Doctor Who (2005)
Season 7, Episode 6

It is so long to wait! Well, when you've been watching an episode or two a day for the last month or so, it seems like a long time. The last episode was so sad... No more Amy and Rory, I just didn't see that coming. Sigh....

Tonight I went to the Banff Mountain Film Festival at UW. Part two is tomorrow night, and I think I'll be going back for that as well. It was amazing, the videos and the accomplishments of some of the athletes. One of my favorities, that I wish was longer than 8 minutes was The Gimp Monkeys, about three climbers, two with only one leg each and one with only one arm (and a half), who climbed El Cap with no assistance. Amazing.

Apparently you usually have to pay to go to it, but UW has shown it free now for 13 years. I wasn't sure how good it was going to be, but I think I'll take the kids next year, I think they'll enjoy it. Some films were as short as six minutes, others as long as 45. Definitely worth catching if it comes to your area.