Friday, February 1, 2013

Travel Day Two.

Today I woke up to all of the area schools and many businesses shut down. Bearette is doing well. She's not her normal anxious self, but she seems aware of herself and her surroundings. I decided to see how we did when we got in the car before giving her any medicines.This lasted until we'd been in the car about an hour. I hid half a dose in a treat. It made her calm(er), but she stayed sitting up (leaning up) nearly the entire day, doing her best to look out of the front window. I had to cover the side window with a blanket yesterday because of the sun coming through I was worried about her getting too hot. This is here throughout the day.

The hot breakfast was hot, I'm sure, when it was cooked. Other than that it was mildly warm to the touch. Very mildly. But it was food, and I hadn't had anything but granola bars and snack crackers since I'd gotten a sausage biscuit yesterday morning when I left Crozet. That was my plan, one hot meal a day, then the snacks that I had packed for the journey. This was likely not going to cut it, but I ate as much as I could to get me started while Bearette waited in the car which was warming up.

I had waited until 9am, which was an hour later than I'd wanted to start, but due to the roads the night before, I wanted to make sure that the sun had had a chance to come up, and more cars to be on the road to help melt the snow. The main roads were fine, and the interstate was dry in most spots. I did see some trucks spraying rock salt, and I couldn't help but think that BEFORE would have been a better time, not after they'd already dried, but what do I know? Not far outside of Corydon, I saw a sign for a town I wanted to visit, just so that I could say I had visited it. Santa Claus, Indiana! I got off the exit, topped of the tank, and looked at the map, but it was further off the interstate than I wanted to venture, with the back roads still having a bit of packed snow. I was a little disappointed, but better that than stuck in a ditch somewhere.

I missed all of the Welcome To Signs today except for Kansas. I didn't realize I was in Illinois until I pulled out of the rest area where I got a geocache and the sign mentioned Illinois' blood alcohol level. So I took a picture of this instead...

Missouri didn't have a big sign, just a State Line sign, and that was in the middle of a heavy traffic situation, so I did not get it.

I did Kansas', and I crossed in just before sunset to get a geocache.

The day's travel was uneventful, thank goodness. No snow flurries like yesterday, a lot more flat land that allowed me to mostly keep up with the traffic flow. I stopped and got geocaches in Indiana, Illinois, Missouri and Kansas. I drove 11 miles, and approximately 600 miles.

I got to the hotel and checked in, thinking I would make a Birthday call to Briony and then get some dinner, which I could walk to from my hotel. Three and a half hours later, I had crackers for dinner, and went straight to bed. We made dinner plans for tomorrow night, which is just an amazing thing for me to say.

Bearette watching the CMT Music Awards from her recliner before she got bored and fell asleep.